F.M.P Week 2

It was now time to write my proposal for the FMP, i needed to break it down into sections.


At this point i was still unaware of a title for my project, i was still to think of a question that could be answered by my project.

Field of Study

I will need to research further multiple areas for this project. I will need to look into different workout music genres, which tempos are needed for which stage of a workout too. I will also need to find out where this project would be used, at home personal usage, or in a gym? I will be working with an augmented design, combining digital with physical.


I would need to make sure that the participants are comfortable with using a muscle sensor before they take part, although there is a very low chance, the sensor would still be running electricity through it, leaving a small chance for a shock. The sticky pads can be painful to remove, the participant would need to be happy with this. Each sensor is fairly expensive, i would need to have multiple sensors, along with a large amount of removable sticky pads for each participant to use.


Apart from the project including two personal interests, when working out, choosing music and scrolling through can ruin your pace and mindset, this would effectively eliminate this problem. I feel that it would be fun for people to use and see what they think about the concept, alongside the actual useful features.


Predicted Resolutions

By the end of the project i would like to have a working muscle sensor, which triggers different music to be played when the muscles are put under more pressure. If i was able to get the sensor to trigger the correct music for the user, i feel that this would be a success as the user wouldn’t have to choose their own music.


The project was to be handed in for the 24th of May 2018. This was going to give a lot of time to complete the project, however i need to make sure i don’t get carried away.

  • Week 1 – Ideas, sketches
  • Week 2 – Proposal
  • Week 3 – Further sketches and idea correcting

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